Considered “the most significant English language play of the 20th century,” Waiting for Godot almost needs no introduction.  With two main characters endlessly waiting in vain for someone named Godot to arrive, the audience encounters philosophical, existential, religious, psychoanalytical and wartime references.  Exploring what has been called the Theatre of the Absurd, Beckett sums up the play as “a game in order to survive.”Theatre Encounter will investigate this script to explore alienation and loneliness, appearance and reality, death, doubt and ambiguity, the meaning of life and humanity’s search for the self.

Presented March 21-24, 2012 at Theatre Junction GRAND (Calgary, Alberta)

Written by Samuel Beckett
Directed by Michael Fenton
Starring: Val Duncan, Celene Harder, Corey Joyce, Rob Kirik and Elan Pratt
Designed by: John Hale (Set), Anna Lopez (Costume, Makeup and Set Painting), John Hale and Chelsey MacDonald (Sound), Brian MacNeil (Lights)
Assistant Direction and Stage Management by Chelsey Fawcett, Lucky’s Dance Choreography by Laila Kaushik, Photography by Mark Unrau, Graphic Design by Mike Unrau

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